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Posted 8/19/14 by Jennifer Gahnstrom

Walker Community United Methodist Church


Safer Church Policy

Reviewed by SPRC March 2013





Guidelines for a Safer Community



·      First and foremost this is a church for all of the community. Everyone brings their gifts to the table. Everyone is welcome, though our journeys are often very different.


·      People are free and welcome to explore their spirituality. We are a historically Christian community, however many who travel with us understand and express their spiritual journeys through varied traditions and avenues. All are welcome to respectfully join together in our community.


·      Please refrain from wearing scents or perfumes. As much as possible this is a scent free space. Candles must be scent free and incense may only be used if there is advance notice to alert those with allergy and breathing concerns.


·      Please take time to think before you speak. The Walker Community honors one another by being gentle with our words. We also honor one another with honesty.


·      Please welcome the people around you by respecting their physical space. Ask before hugging or embracing someone you do not know. Their journey may be enhanced by your touch, but it is their choice to decide if they are ready to receive your touch.


·      Walker Community United Methodist Church intentionally welcomes all sexual orientations and gender identities, races and ethnicities, differing abilities, diverse economic levels, ages, and personal background.


·      Walker Community United Methodist Church performs background checks on all people who are working alone with children and vulnerable adults. Please do not be offended if asked to agree to a screening.


·      If at any time you feel your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual safety has been violated please contact that Pastor at the church office at 612-722-6612 or by contacting the United Methodist District office at 612-230-6146


Link to Complete Policy

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